GMM 2024 - KAMELOT.jpg


Saturday 22 June 23.00 - 0.00
Jupiler Stage

Genre Power Metal
Country United States
Played at GMM 2005

Originally established in 1991, this stellar power metal outfit from sunny Florida didn’t release their full-length debut until 1995. Their first two records were characterised by a Crimson Glory vibe but this changed when new singer Roy Khan took over microphone duties on ‘Siége Perilous’. Things really took off for the fivesome on ‘The Fourth Legacy’ (1999) with a much more ambitious and raw sound. A varied album overall, including the obligatory ballad, ‘The Fourth Legacy’ is characterised by the fast riffing, keyboards and soaring vocals so typical of power metal. In 2012 talented Swedish vocalist Tommy Karevik stepped in for Khan, resulting in Kamelot’s most aggressive contribution in years and they’ve capitalised on that new momentum ever since. As if the talent in the band isn’t enough, they also like to take great guest vocalists such as Floor Jansen and Arch Enemy’s Melissa White-Gluz out on tour. Lyrically they tell tales of determination, inner strength and vanquishing personal demons, as on their latest album ‘The Awakening’ (2023). (#GMM24)