Mystery is a promotional tool that always works and few understand this better than Southampton-based punk rockers Creeper. Founded in 2014, Roadrunner dropped their full-length debut ‘Eternity in Your Arms’ in 2017. For the next twelve months, they stormed every stage in sight. Fans of AFI and My Chemical Romance ate it up but were aghast to learn that Creeper would be calling it quits at the end of the tour. True but not really: on All Saints Day 2019 they returned with a show under the moniker ‘Fugitives of Heaven’. Mid-2020 their sophomore effort ‘Sex, Death & The Infinite Void’ came out. They reinvented themselves on this bombastic, epic goth rock album, with band members calling it ‘a rebirth’ and not a punk record. Their latest album ‘Sanguivore’ (2023) brings yet another new incarnation, this time as a theatrical goth rock band. The phantasy world the album creates is inspired on vampire flicks. It’s a bold and melodically consistent album, very Jim Steinman-oriented and gloriously over the top, punctuated with gripping guitar solos. Whatever the incarnation, Creeper are loads of fun and you’re all invited to join the party! #GMM25